Mind-blowing Lessons from the past 5 years
So today I celebrated 5 years working in my current organization, which means I have been doing this longer than anything I have ever done before, except elementary school. As is our tradition, I wanted to share some of the mind-blowing lessons I've learned since starting work.
Mind-blowing: adj.: Anything that has fundamentally and irreversibly altered my experience of the world
“Just because we think they are wrong, doesn’t mean we are right.”
There is no substitute for being there: get up early, get on the plane and be present
Patterns keep repeating through medicine, software development, management, parenting
The quality of technology reflects the quality of decision-making
Decided is not Done, and Done is what matters
Perfection is anathema to survival, and probably so to success
Help will only arrive after you have taken responsibility for solving your own problems
When others try and convince you of your own ideas, smile, you have succeeded
You must be your own harshest critic AND yet you must know your own true worth
Perform first, negotiate second
“You are too young to think you are bad at things yet.”